Wednesday Night Youth

Come Join Us!

Every Wednesday From 6pm-8pm 

Starting on January 15th, every Wednesday night our Jr. High and High School students meet at Grace Bible Church Visalia Youth Room to enjoy fun games, fellowship, snacks, music, and teaching in God’s Word. We are currently studying the synoptic Gospels and looking closely at the life of Christ. Make sure to bring your Bible, notebook, and friends!

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Discipleship Groups

It is our desire that we not only faithfully teach the youth at GBCV but also shepherd and disciple them with the desire that we would be conformed into the image of Christ more and more! Every Wednesday night our youth break into discipleship groups where we talk through the Bible lesson just heard, provide accountability, encourage one another, and have life-on-life application within a small group. 

For more information or questions please contact the Youth Secretary by calling the Church Office (559) 627-3912 or by emailing

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Join us Sunday at 

8:45am & 10:30am