Children's Sunday School

Grace Curriculumn

Children's Sunday School

Join us for our Children's Sunday School every Sunday from 8:45am-10am. Each class is staffed with at least two qualified church member volunteers who desire to teach God's Word faithfully to the next generation. The teachers dive deep into God's Word teaching them the whole of Redemptive History from Genesis to Revelation through our three year Generations of Grace Curriculum Program. Every three years each child goes through the entire Bible. It is our desire that our children grow up knowing their Savior and having a solid foundation of God's Word so that they might be raised up to be the next godly generation. 

Preschool Class

Ages 3-5 years

Meets in Room 3

*A child must be potty trained to be in the Preschool Class


K-2nd Grade Class

Ages 6-8 years

Meets in Kids on Main/Room 6 & 7


3rd-6th Grade Class

Ages 9-12 years

Meets in Room 8


 Second Service

During our 10:30am Service there is no Sunday School provided. Children are encouraged to sit with their parents in the Santuary for the Worship Service. 

For any questions please contact the Children's Ministry Director Julieann Payne by calling the Church Office at (559) 627-3912 or emailing her at



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Join us Sunday at 

8:45am & 10:30am