

Topical Study

December 29, 2024

The Day Is Upon Us

Speaker: Jonathan Payne Series: Topical Study Passage: Micah 4:11–5

September 22, 2024

A Family Gone Bad

Speaker: Dale Payne Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study

September 8, 2024

A God of Second Chances

Speaker: Dale Payne Series: Topical Study Passage: Jonah 3–4

July 7, 2024

Living a Life of Worship that God Accepts

Speaker: Darren Fraley Series: Topical Study Passage: Romans 12:1–2

December 24, 2023

The Significance of Christ's Virgin Birth

Speaker: Dale Payne Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Matthew 1:18–25, Luke 1:26–37

October 8, 2023

A Gentile Woman's Daughter Healed

Speaker: Kevin Zuber Series: Topical Study Passage: Matthew 15:21–28

July 30, 2023

Share His Word

Speaker: Colston Reese Series: Topical Study Passage: Psalm 131

July 23, 2023

Back to School (Part 2)

Speaker: Josiah Busenitz Series: Topical Study Passage: Psalm 19:7-14

July 16, 2023

Back to School (Part 1)

Speaker: Josiah Busenitz Series: Topical Study Passage: Psalm 19

July 9, 2023

The Darkside of Mankind

Speaker: Josiah Busenitz Series: Topical Study Passage: Psalm 14

July 2, 2023

The Secret to Living Happily Every After

Speaker: Josiah Busenitz Series: Topical Study Passage: Psalm 1

March 19, 2023

What Kind of Man?

Speaker: Dale Payne Series: Topical Study Passage: Psalm 15

March 12, 2023

Short Term Missions 101

Speaker: Josiah Busenitz Series: Topical Study Passage: Philippians 2:25–30

February 26, 2023

The Biblical Value of Work

Speaker: Dale Payne Series: Topical Study Passage: 2 Thessalonians 3:6–15

February 5, 2023

Instructing Children Diligently to Develop a Heart for GOD

Speaker: Dale Payne Series: Topical Study Passage: Ephesians 6:4, Psalm 78:3–8

January 29, 2023

Biblical Corrective Discipline

Speaker: Dale Payne Series: Topical Study Passage: Ephesians 6:1–4

January 22, 2023

Ways We Exasperate Those We Love

Speaker: Dale Payne Series: Topical Study Passage: Ephesians 6:4

January 9, 2023

The Challenges of Fatherhood

Speaker: Dale Payne Series: Topical Study Passage: Ephesians 6:4

January 1, 2023

The Third Chair

Speaker: Dale Payne Series: Topical Study Passage: Deuteronomy 8:7–20

December 25, 2022

What if Christmas Never Came?

Speaker: Dale Payne Series: Topical Study Passage: Matthew 1:1–25

December 4, 2022

A Right Response to Difficult Circumstances

Speaker: Dale Payne Series: Topical Study Passage: 1 Samuel 17–26

October 9, 2022

The God Who Hears and Helps

Speaker: Pat Lee Series: Topical Study Passage: Exodus 2:23–25

September 11, 2022

Misplaced Priorities

Speaker: Josiah Busenitz Series: Topical Study Passage: Luke 10:38–42

September 4, 2022

Wise or Foolish?

Speaker: Josiah Busenitz Series: Topical Study Passage: Matthew 7:24–27

August 28, 2022

Freedom That Glorifies God

Speaker: Darren Fraley Series: Topical Study Passage: 1 Corinthians 10:23– 11:1

June 19, 2022

To Our Young Men

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Passage: Titus 2:6

June 19, 2022

To Our Older Men

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Passage: Titus 2:2

May 8, 2022

God's Truth to Younger Women

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Passage: Titus 2:3–5

May 8, 2022

God's Truth to Older Women

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Passage: Titus 2:3–5

February 13, 2022

A Biblical Theology of the Occult

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Passage: Deuteronomy 18:9–15

January 2, 2022

Looking Within

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Passage: 1 Timothy 4:16

December 26, 2021

God Speaks "in Son" part 2

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Passage: Hebrews 1:1–4

December 19, 2021

God Speaks "in Son"

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Passage: Hebrews 1:1–4

November 21, 2021

The Christian Facade

Speaker: Josiah Busenitz Series: Topical Study Passage: Matthew 6:1

June 20, 2021

Fathering with Multi-Generational Vision

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Passage: Psalm 78

May 2, 2021

Why We Must Preach Christ

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Passage: Colossians 1:28

May 2, 2021

How Ministry is Accomplished

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Passage: Colossians 1:29

January 3, 2021

Are You Really Saved?

Speaker: Matt Darby Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Hebrews 6:4–8

December 6, 2020

A Good Witness for a Great God

Speaker: Pat Lee Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Psalm 100:1–5

November 29, 2020

The Authority of the Man of God

Speaker: Dr. Clayton Diltz Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: 2 Timothy 3:16

November 22, 2020

The Heart of Conflict

Speaker: Josiah Busenitz Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: James 4:1–7

November 22, 2020

In Whom Do You Trust

Speaker: Josiah Busenitz Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Jeremiah 17:5–8

October 18, 2020

The Relationship Between the Christian and Government pt1

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Romans Passage: Romans 13:1–14

September 27, 2020

Standing Firm in the Best Battle Gear

Speaker: Darren Fraley Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Ephesians 6:14–18

September 27, 2020

Standing Firm Against the Devil's Schemes

Speaker: Darren Fraley Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Ephesians 6:11–14

June 7, 2020

Trusting God in Tough Times

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Proverbs 3:5–6

May 10, 2020

The Reign of Our King-Priest

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Psalm 110:4–7

May 3, 2020

The Reign of Our King

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Psalm 110:1–3

April 26, 2020

Love Always Protects

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: James 5, Ephesians 4

April 19, 2020

Unity in the Church

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Philippians Passage: Philippians 2:1–4

April 12, 2020

The Christ Event

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Philippians 2:5–12

April 4, 2020

This How You Love One Another, Part 4 - Live Stream

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: 1 Corinthians 13:4

March 28, 2020

This is How You Love One Another - Part 3

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Romans 12:9–16

March 22, 2020

This is How You Love One Another - Part 2

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: What Matters Most to God Passage: Romans 12:9–16

February 16, 2020

The Gospel from Uganda

Speaker: John Pipes Series: Topical Study Topic: Guest Speaker Passage: 1 Peter 1:13

November 24, 2019

Rescuing the Perishing

Speaker: Harry Walls Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: 1 Corinthians 15

November 24, 2019

Rescuing the Christian

Speaker: Harry Walls Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: James 5

November 17, 2019

Magnify the Lord

Speaker: Matt Darby Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Colossians 2:8

November 17, 2019

The Unthwarted Plan of the Lord

Speaker: Matt Darby Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: 2 Kings 18

September 15, 2019

An Eternal Weight of Glory

Speaker: Matt Darby Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: 1 Corinthians 4:16–18

September 15, 2019


Speaker: Matt Darby Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: 2 Kings 16–17

May 26, 2019

David: A Man After God’s Heart

Speaker: Pat Lee Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: 1 Samuel 16

March 31, 2019

The Gospel

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study

March 10, 2019


Speaker: Tim Cantrell Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Revelation 21

January 13, 2019

Joseph: A Model of Integrity: Part 3

Speaker: Darren Fraley Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Genesis 39:1–23

January 6, 2019

Joseph: A Model of Integrity: Part 2

Speaker: Darren Fraley Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Genesis 37:39–50

December 30, 2018

Joseph: A Model of Integrity

Speaker: Darren Fraley Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Genesis 37:39–50

December 23, 2018

Jesus: Our Glorious King

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Isaiah 6:1–8

June 17, 2018

How to Pray for One Another

Speaker: Darren Fraley Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Philippians 1:9–11

June 10, 2018

How to Send Them Out: Part 3

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: 3 John 1:1–14

June 3, 2018

How to Send Them Out: Part 2

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: 3 John 1:1–14

May 27, 2018

How to Send Them Out

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: 3 John 1:1–14

May 20, 2018

Our Missionary God

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Psalm 67:1–7

May 13, 2018

Returning to Your First Love

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Revelation 2:1–7

May 6, 2018

Why Worry When We Know God Will Provide?

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Philippians 4:10–23

April 29, 2018

Why Pray When You Can Worry

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Philippians 4:1–9

April 15, 2018

Jesus: Sovereign Over the Storm

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Mark 4:35–41

April 1, 2018

The Resurrection

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:1–20, Matthew 28:1–10, Isaiah 53:1–12

April 1, 2018

The Body of Witnesses: God’s Testimony Through His Church

Speaker: Dr. Clayton Diltz Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: John 15:26–27

March 11, 2018

Made Alive in Christ

Speaker: Darren Fraley Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Ephesians 2:1–10

October 22, 2017

Creation Sabbath and Mosaic Sabbath: What are They?

Speaker: Dr. Clayton Diltz Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Genesis 2:1–3

July 23, 2017

The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men

Speaker: Matt Darby Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Genesis 6:1–8

July 23, 2017

Christ Over Chaos

Speaker: Matt Darby Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Mark 5:1–20

July 16, 2017

Controlling the Fire

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: James 3:7–12

July 9, 2017

Fire in Your Mouth!

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: James 3:1–6

July 2, 2017

How Great is Your God

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Psalm 139:1–24

March 27, 2017

The Worth of the Lamb

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Revelation 5:1–14

March 26, 2017

The Highest Throne

Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Revelation 4:1–11

October 30, 2016

A Commitment to Praise

Speaker: Darren Fraley Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Psalm 145:1–21

October 16, 2016

Spiritual State of the Union

Speaker: Dr. Clayton Diltz Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Romans 1:24–32

May 8, 2016

Hannah: A Model of Motherhood

Speaker: Dr. Clayton Diltz Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: 1 Samuel 1

April 24, 2016

What About Those Who Have Never Heard?

Speaker: Dale Payne Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Acts 10:1–48

April 17, 2016

The Role and Work of the Holy Spirit

Speaker: Dr. John Polson Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Romans 8:1–28

April 3, 2016

Not Losing Heart

Speaker: Brian Farone Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: 2 Corinthians 4:1–18

March 27, 2016

First Fruits

Speaker: Dale Payne Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:1–26

January 3, 2016

True Faith Works

Speaker: Dale Payne Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study

December 27, 2015

Peace on Earth?

Speaker: Darren Fraley Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Romans 3

December 20, 2015

Who Saved Christmas?

Speaker: Alden Laird Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: 2 Kings 11:1–21

October 18, 2015

Giving A Right Response When Wronged

Speaker: Dale Payne Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: 1 Samuel 17–26

September 27, 2015

Have You Lost Your Bible?

Speaker: Alden Laird Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: 2 Kings 22:1– 23:30

August 9, 2015

Function & Functionality

Speaker: Dr. Clayton Diltz Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: 1 Corinthians 6:9–11

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8:45am & 10:30am