Back to Sermon ArchiveAugust 21, 2022
The Glorious Return of Our True King part 2
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 19:17–21
August 14, 2022
The Glorious Return of Our True King
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 19:11–16
August 7, 2022
The Father's Arranged Marriage for His Son
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 19:7–10
July 31, 2022
Babylon's Ruin and Heaven's Hallelujah
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 19:1–6
July 24, 2022
The Worst Financial Crash in History is Coming
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 18
July 17, 2022
Where this World is Headed (Part 2)
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 17–18
July 10, 2022
Where this World is Headed (Part 1)
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 17–18
June 12, 2022
The Seven Plagues (Part 3)
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 16:13–21
June 5, 2022
The Seven Plagues (Part 2)
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 16:13–21
May 15, 2022
The Final Seven Plagues
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 16
May 1, 2022
The Preparation of Heaven for Earth's Final Wrath
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 15
April 24, 2022
Harvest Time is Coming
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 14:14–20
April 10, 2022
Sermons on Hell and Heaven
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 14:9–13
March 27, 2022
The Second Angel's Pronouncement: "The Great City" Must Fall a GREAT Fall
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 14:8
March 20, 2022
John's Vision of Three Preaching Angels Part 1
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 14:6–9
March 6, 2022
Who are the 144,000?
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 14:1–5
February 27, 2022
Holy Spirit vs Anti-Spirit part 2
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 13:11–18
February 20, 2022
Holy Spirit vs Anti-Spirit
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 13:11–18
February 13, 2022
Christ or Anti-Christ part 2
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 13:1–10
February 6, 2022
Christ or Anti-Christ
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 13:1–10
January 23, 2022
Satan vs. God part 2
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 12
January 2, 2022
Satan vs God
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 12
November 14, 2021
Satan's War Against God
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 12
October 10, 2021
The Reign of Christ
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 11:15–19
October 3, 2021
Two Powerful Preachers Witnessing to the Whole World
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 11:3–14
September 19, 2021
The Strange Sweet (and Bitter) Book
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 10
August 29, 2021
A Locust Invasion
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 9:1–12
August 15, 2021
The Earth is Judged
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 8:1–13
August 1, 2021
The Lamb that Will Shepherd the Nations Forever
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 7:9–17
July 25, 2021
God Remembers Mercy in the Midst of Wrath (part 1)
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 7:1–8
July 18, 2021
The Great Earthquake
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 6:12–17
July 11, 2021
The Martyr's Cry of Justice
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 6:9–11
July 4, 2021
The Wrath of God Continues: Famine, Death, and Hell
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 6:5–8
May 23, 2021
The Beginning of the Wrath of God Poured Out on the Earth
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 6:1–8
May 16, 2021
O Worship the Lamb that was Slain!
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 5
May 9, 2021
Worship Your Creator
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 4:1–11
April 25, 2021
The Nauseating Church
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 3:14–22
March 21, 2021
The Church with the Open Door
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Topic: Revelation Passage: Revelation 3:7–13
February 21, 2021
The Church at Death's Door
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Topic: Revelation Passage: Revelation 3:1–6
February 14, 2021
The Church at Thyatira: The Accommodating Church of Jezebel
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Topic: Revelation Passage: Revelation 2:18–29
February 7, 2021
The Church at Pergamum: The Politically-Correct Progressive Church
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Topic: Revelation Passage: Revelation 2:12–17
January 24, 2021
Never Leave Your First Love
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Topic: Revelation Passage: Revelation 2:1–7
January 17, 2021
A Vision of Christ
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Topic: Revelation Passage: Revelation 1:9–20