Sermons from 2021
Back to Sermon ArchiveDecember 26, 2021
God Speaks "in Son" part 2
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Passage: Hebrews 1:1–4
December 19, 2021
God Speaks "in Son"
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Passage: Hebrews 1:1–4
December 12, 2021
Led Well and Fed Well: How the Church Met Needs in Wise Ways
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 6:1–7
November 28, 2021
A Thankful Life of the Apostle Paul
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study
November 21, 2021
The First Church Discipline Case
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Topic: Acts Passage: Acts 5:1–6
November 21, 2021
The Christian Facade
Speaker: Josiah Busenitz Series: Topical Study Passage: Matthew 6:1
November 14, 2021
What Makes a Great Church?
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 4:32–35
November 14, 2021
Satan's War Against God
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 12
November 7, 2021
Praying for the Church During Times of Persecution
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Romans 4:23–31
October 31, 2021
Preachers Meet with Persecution part 2
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 4:13–23
October 24, 2021
The Preachers Meet with Persecution
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 4:1–12
October 17, 2021
Two (more) Reasons to Repent
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 3:22–26
October 17, 2021
Asking the Right Questions, Making the Right Choices
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study
October 10, 2021
Three Rock-Solid Reasons to Repent
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 3:19–21
October 10, 2021
The Reign of Christ
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 11:15–19
October 3, 2021
Two Powerful Preachers Witnessing to the Whole World
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 11:3–14
October 3, 2021
The Purpose of Jesus' Healing
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 3:9–19
September 26, 2021
The Powerful Name of Jesus
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 3:1–11
September 19, 2021
The Pattern of Gospelizing part 4: The Flowering Fruit of Repentant Faith
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: 2 Corinthians 7:11
September 19, 2021
The Strange Sweet (and Bitter) Book
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 10
September 12, 2021
Creation: Impacting Our Culture
Speaker: Scott Gillis Series: Guest Speaker Topic: Topical Study
September 12, 2021
The Pattern of Gospelizing part 3: Have I Repented?
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: 2 Corinthians 7:11
August 29, 2021
The Pattern of Gospelizing part 1
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 2:47
August 29, 2021
A Locust Invasion
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 9:1–12
August 22, 2021
The Pattern of Christian Gathering
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 2:46–47
August 22, 2021
A Beloved Pastor's Last Words
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 20:18–38
August 15, 2021
The Pattern of Christian Generosity-part 3
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022)
August 15, 2021
The Earth is Judged
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 8:1–13
August 8, 2021
The Pattern of Christian Generosity-part 2
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022)
August 8, 2021
Face to Face: Against Disembodied Christianity
Speaker: Tim Cantrell Series: Guest Speaker Passage: 1 Thessalonians 2–3
August 1, 2021
The Lamb that Will Shepherd the Nations Forever
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 7:9–17
August 1, 2021
The Pattern of Christian Generosity
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 2:44–45
July 25, 2021
God Remembers Mercy in the Midst of Wrath (part 1)
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 7:1–8
July 25, 2021
Prayer: The Church's Priority
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 2:42
July 18, 2021
The Great Earthquake
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 6:12–17
July 18, 2021
Four Radical Commitments of the Early Church #3
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 2:42
July 11, 2021
The Four Radical Commitments of the Early Church
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 2:42
July 11, 2021
The Martyr's Cry of Justice
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 6:9–11
July 4, 2021
Preaching the Risen and Ascended Christ: from the Prophets
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 2:14–41
July 4, 2021
The Wrath of God Continues: Famine, Death, and Hell
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 6:5–8
June 27, 2021
Baptism Service: Sin and the Savior
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study
June 27, 2021
The Miraculous Gift of Languages
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 2:4–13
June 20, 2021
Fathering with Multi-Generational Vision
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Passage: Psalm 78
June 6, 2021
A Message That No One Should Ignore
Speaker: Darren Fraley Series: Guest Speaker Passage: Psalm 49
May 23, 2021
The Beginning of the Wrath of God Poured Out on the Earth
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 6:1–8
May 23, 2021
The Coming of the Holy Spirit
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 2:1–4
May 16, 2021
The Ministry of the Spirit in the Age of the Church
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 2:1–13
May 16, 2021
O Worship the Lamb that was Slain!
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 5
May 9, 2021
Mothers with Multi-Generational Vision
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Passage: Psalm 78
May 9, 2021
Worship Your Creator
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 4:1–11
May 2, 2021
How Ministry is Accomplished
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Passage: Colossians 1:29
May 2, 2021
Why We Must Preach Christ
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study Passage: Colossians 1:28
April 25, 2021
The Nauseating Church
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 3:14–22
April 25, 2021
Replacing the Fallen Leader
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 1:12–26
April 19, 2021
Was America Founded as a Christian Nation
Speaker: Dr. Clayton Diltz Series: Guest Speaker Passage: Titus 2:1
April 11, 2021
Let Your Light Shine!
Speaker: Josiah Busenitz Series: Guest Speaker Passage: Matthew 5:13–16
April 4, 2021
The Resurrection and Its Results
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Topical Study
March 21, 2021
Your Witness Matters
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Passage: Acts 1:1–11
March 21, 2021
The Church with the Open Door
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Topic: Revelation Passage: Revelation 3:7–13
March 14, 2021
God’s Strategy for Birthing and Building His Global Church
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Acts (2021-2022) Topic: Acts Passage: Acts 1:1–8
March 7, 2021
Pursuing the Ultimate Goal
Speaker: Dr. Irv Busenitz Series: Guest Speaker Passage: Psalm 139:1–24
March 7, 2021
When Bad Things Happen to God's People
Speaker: Dr. Irv Busenitz Series: Guest Speaker Passage: Habakkuk 1:1– 3:19
February 28, 2021
Tapping In To God's Power
Speaker: Tim Cantrell Series: Guest Speaker Passage: Ephesians 1:15–23
February 28, 2021
I Lost None: Kept By the Sovereign I Am
Speaker: Tim Cantrell Series: Guest Speaker Passage: John 18:1–11
February 21, 2021
The Church at Death's Door
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Topic: Revelation Passage: Revelation 3:1–6
February 21, 2021
Mark's Perfect Ending to Jesus' Amazing Life part 2
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Mark Topic: Mark Passage: Mark 16:8–20
February 14, 2021
The Church at Thyatira: The Accommodating Church of Jezebel
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Topic: Revelation Passage: Revelation 2:18–29
February 14, 2021
Mark's Perfect Ending to Jesus' Amazing Life
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Mark Topic: Mark Passage: Mark 16:8–20
February 7, 2021
The Church at Pergamum: The Politically-Correct Progressive Church
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Topic: Revelation Passage: Revelation 2:12–17
February 7, 2021
Three Women's Reaction to the Empty Tomb
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Mark Topic: Mark Passage: Mark 16:1–8
January 31, 2021
The Persecuted Church: Do Not Fear Whatever You are About to Suffer
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Mark Topic: Mark Passage: Revelation 2:8–11
January 31, 2021
The Burial for God’s Son
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Mark Topic: Mark Passage: Mark 15:42–47
January 24, 2021
Never Leave Your First Love
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Topic: Revelation Passage: Revelation 2:1–7
January 24, 2021
10 Things You Need to Know About the Coronation and Crucifixion of Jesus
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Mark Topic: Mark Passage: Mark 15:16–41
January 17, 2021
A Vision of Christ
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Revelation Topic: Revelation Passage: Revelation 1:9–20
January 17, 2021
The Accommodating Politician Behind Jesus’ Death
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Mark Topic: Mark Passage: Mark 15:1–20
January 10, 2021
Peter on Trial
Speaker: Pastor William Costello Series: Mark Topic: Mark Passage: Mark 14:66–72
January 3, 2021
Are You Really Saved?
Speaker: Matt Darby Series: Topical Study Topic: Topical Study Passage: Hebrews 6:4–8